Residential building manager (*Manager) is a legal or natural person, registered for affairs related to management, who manages a residential building in the name of the homeowners, on the basis of the Management Contract and the Law of Ownership and Other Proprietary Rights.
As prescribed by the Law of Ownership and Other Proprietary Rights, the homeowners are obliged to participate in managing the real estate (Article 85), and choose a representative to act as manager (Article 385). The homeowners choose the representative by a 50.01% majority by square footage and sign the Management Contract, which determines the relations between the homeowner’s community and the manager with all their rights, as well as obligations.
The homeowners are obliged to entrust the managing to the manager in accordance with the contract they have established among themselves (Article 378) – the Co-ownership Agreement.
The Manager manages the real estate in the name of,and on the account of the homeowners, within the limits of authorization established by the contract. Rights and obligations of the regular manager are established by law. Their true authorization is established by the contract he/she makes with the homeowners. The manager is obliged to conduct each real estate managing business separately, so that each residential building has a separate business bank account.
The homeowners are, according to the law, in a community of a sort – the Homeowners community. In that community, among other, they are obliged to care for the real estate as a whole (for communal areas and appliances). The source of income to serve for security and care of the homeowner’s community are the mandatory maintenance fees (reserve). Except the financial basis, a quality awareness about the ownership of real estate is required, as well as the will for carrying out the rights and obligations deriving from that.
The basic rules of conduct for the homeowners and other beneficiaries of the real estate (tenants, lessees) are stated in the House Rules.